
Showing posts from January, 2022

Pseudo-FOC Controller - Simulations and Inital

As a part of my FOC controller, I am developing an intermediate project - the  Pseudo-FOC Controller. This post will introduce the theory, simulations, and an initial prototype of the project. At its core, this controller uses sinusoidal commutation, which is being implemented through the inverse Park and Clarke transforms. Project Goals The goals of this project are listed below: Control torque, speed, and position of a PMSM - specifically for gimbal and drone grade motors Develop a PCB for the controller Develop auto-tuning algorithms for controller gains Develop an auto-calibration sequence for the rotor position sensor BLDC vs PMSM A key point of confusion is motor classification of permanent magnet machines - specifically between Brushless DC Motors  (BLDCs) and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs). In my experience/readings, the differing factors is in their back-emf profile: BLDCs having a trapezoidal BEMF and PMSMs having a sinusoidal BEMF. It is also important ...