VFD Inverter Prototyping
I began prototyping the VFD circuit discussed in the previous post, specifically the inverter stage. I modified it to be a single-phase full bridge inverter instead of the three-phase simulated. This is due to me using a single-phase shaded pole induction motor for testing down the line - 120 V, 60 Hz on the nameplate. Here is an image of the circuit: Full-bridge inverter circuited Before making the circuit, I simulated the inverter in LTSpice. Similar to the PSIM simulation, a bipolar switching scheme is being generated for the SPWM signal. Inverter legs and gate driver ICs Bipolar PWM generation and output filter For the spice simulation, LTC7061 half-bridge MOSFET drivers are being used. In the actual circuit I sourced IR2104 gate drivers however they both do the same thing so I opted to use the default Analog Devices IC in LTSpice. Picking Bootstrap Capacitors The gate driver ICs require a bootstrap capacitor and diode. For the diode I picked a standard 1N4148/1N4007. However,...